Does fat dissolving injections work, and should you try them? Human bodies store fat differently. For some people, the most stubborn fat deposits are in the chin and neck areas. These deposits (submental fat) can trigger premature aging signs on the face, such as wrinkles.
Some people have excess fat on their lower backs, tummies, buttocks, thighs, and arms. Targeting this fat with exercise or diet can be impossible for some people. Try fat-dissolving injections if you cannot remove facial and body fatty deposits with exercise and diet.
These are minimally invasive solutions that might work for you. This detailed guide reveals whether these solutions work and if so how. Once you learn how they work, you will feel more comfortable trying them.
What are Fat Dissolving Injections? – An Overview
Fat-dissolving injections work by disintegrating your fat cells and helping your body exit them naturally. Normally, you get the best outcomes by following a sequence of treatment procedures. Done expertly, these injections can eliminate fat deposits that do not respond to exercise and diet.
Fat-dissolving injections are less invasive, unlike a surgical procedure for removing excess fat. Also, the technique causes short-term side effects that can end in a few days. There is hardly a complication if you are keen on your aftercare procedures. They can provide durable fat dissolving injections results if you lead a healthy lifestyle after the treatment.
Candidates for Fat Dissolving Injection Treatments
If you have localized fat deposits that damage your self-esteem, you may be a suitable candidate for fat-dissolving treatment. You are even more appropriate for these procedures if dieting and regular workouts have not helped.
Fat-dissolving injections target body parts that require contouring and sculpting due to fat deposits. These regularly include:
- Face – Facial areas more susceptible to fat gain are the chin, jowls, and back of the neck. If you have a double chin, a neck hump (buffalo hump), or flabby jowls, you can try fat dissolving treatment injections.
- Torso – Problematic areas on the upper body include armpits, upper arms, chest, and back. These can respond well to fat-melting injections.
- Bottom– Most people gain stubborn fat around their waistlines, hips, buttocks, and thighs. Excess belly fat makes the natural waist disappear in the bulges of flesh. It can also worsen the appearance of love handles on your upper hip area. Excess fat can increase your butt size and expand your lower hips, thighs, and knees. If you have tried to remove this fat with exercise and diet in vain, your next best alternative could be fat dissolving injections.
How Does Fat Dissolving Injections Work?
A fat-dissolving injection such as Aqualyx can help sculpt and contour body parts with excess fat deposits. The doctor will inject these solutions to begin the fat breakdown process. These injections disintegrate the fat cells, causing them to release their contents. The body adds these fatty substances to the urine and removes them via the lymphatic system.
Commonly used fat melting injections use harmless plant-based compounds where the potent ingredient is deoxycholic acid. If you play your part well, these injections can give you a cuter body shape. One of the critical things to do is to locate a reliable doctor or clinic to do this procedure on your body. Many such clinics are easy to find in developed countries like the UK.
Next, discuss your problem areas with your favorite doctor. Tell them your goals and why you want to try a non-surgical fat removal procedure like a fat dissolving injection. Does fat dissolving injections work if one is healthy? Doctors do not often have a problem helping you if you are not obese. Fat melting injections work best in healthy people with ideal BMIs but have a few stubborn fat deposit areas.
These injections should not be your weight loss technique. If you are overweight, try other effective methods of shedding excess weight. After losing weight, go to a cosmetic doctor using fat-melting injections to contour body parts. The effectiveness of these injections depends on your post-treatment actions.
If you want long-lasting results, continue eating a healthy diet and exercising. Avoid doing strenuous desk work without regular breaks and keeping a proper posture. This mistake is one of the top causes of the buffalo hump on the upper part of your spine.
Fat Dissolving Injections – Do They Work?
Now you can answer this: how do fat dissolving injections work? Next, you should know if these injections work. Are they as effective as experts say? Generally, fat-melting injections work for most people. If you also want them to help dissolve your fat, ensure you are the right candidate for them.
Some people cannot successfully do these medical procedures because they are overweight. Do not approach a doctor to give you these injections to lose weight. As earlier noted, these injections help trim the areas that exercise and diet alone cannot. They target small sections of the body that suffer from stubborn fat.
If you have never attained your ideal body figure even after trying various weight loss methods, fat-melting injections might be more appropriate for you. When you shift to the normal weight range, try Aqualyx or similar injections to remove excess flab. Do fat loss injections work? Other reasons that could prevent you from taking these injections are:
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- Skin infection or disorder
- Autoimmune disorder
- Liver disease
- Kidney disease
- Allergies
- Crohn’s disease.
- Low immunity
- Lipodystrophy.
Side Effects and Complications
Are fat dissolving injections safe? Fat melting injections can trigger side effects and complications. Normally, these will occur first because of trusting a non-competent healthcare provider. You will find that some hospitals or clinics specialize in cosmetic procedures like fat dissolving injections and others are general practitioners.
It is upon you to find a dedicated doctor or clinic near you who can lower your risk of side effects and complications. Another point to focus on is that any injectable treatment can trigger mild side effects. You have seen that often after your doctor prescribes injections. The injected area might swell and hurt for a few days, and then heal.
Fat melting injections trigger a similar reaction that resolves itself within a few days. Here are mild side effects you might encounter:
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Skin irritation
- Reddening.
Complications do not regularly arise after taking these jabs. These adverse effects are rare. If they arise, it could be because you were not a perfect candidate in the first place. Complications regularly include:
- Allergy
- Nerve damage
- Hyperpigmentation
- Infection
- Skin dips or lumps
- Scars
- Death of skin cells.
If you notice any of these complications, take yourself to the doctor immediately. They will use the safest and quickest methods to solve your complications.
When Results Begin Showing
How long do fat dissolving injections take to work? Like other cosmetic programs, fat-dissolving jabs are not overnight solutions. Thus, your figure will not look flawless the same day you get treatment. Instead, you will repeat these fat-melting vaccinations for three to four weeks.
The doctor will space your sessions to give your body time to heal. You will notice changes over time and should only maintain them. You can start the maintenance process shortly after getting your shots. Here are easy guidelines to follow:
- Avoid touching treatment areas even if they feel swollen, tender, or itchy. This uncomfortable irritation often subsides after about six hours. Swelling might take a few days.
- Wash the injected area six hours after treatment with lukewarm water and soap. Do not scrub. Avoid hot or cold showers for the next forty-eight hours.
- Do not do strenuous exercises for at least one week to give your body time to heal.
- Hydrate your body to improve your lymphatic system. It will then remove disintegrated fatty deposits faster in the urine.
You can increase your success rate by asking your doctor questions about healing. If you are not sure what to use or do, call the doctor and ask them to lower your chances of having complications.
1. Will fat dissolving injections work permanently?
How does fat dissolving injections work in the long term? Some people wonder if they will remove fat forever. These injections might not break down every fat cell in your fatty tissue. Hence, residue fat cells can increase if your body fattens. After therapy, eat a healthier diet and maintain a regular exercise routine. These measures can make your fat-melting injection results permanent.
2. How many fat dissolving jabs will I take?
After discussing your objectives with a doctor, they will decide the number of injections to give you. Most people start noticing results after three to four sessions. The doctor will also decide the overall treatment period to ensure your safety.
3. What do fat-melting injections contain?
Each fat dissolving injection type is unique. Nevertheless, popular types contain plant-based ingredients. No wonder their side effects are mild and complications rare. A product like Aqualyx contains Deoxycholic acid, sodium chloride, buffering chemicals, red microalgae sugars, water, and other sugars.
Final Say
How does fat dissolving injections work? After learning how they work via this guide, you can decide if they fit your situation. These injections do not hurt severely since doctors apply a numbing cream on the area.
Additionally, these injections are cheaper than liposuction and related procedures. If you need fat dissolving shots, locate a suitable doctor near you. Discuss your objectives with them to determine the best treatment program.